taylor's universe — similar artists: l'albero del veleno, verbal delirium, armonite, deluge grander, hoggwash, phoenix again, hypnos 69, spleen arcana, amoeba split, la bocca della verità, on the raw, submarine silence, not a good sign, ben craven, the ancestry program, stop motion orchestra, rick miller, farmhouse odyssey, arlekin, karakorum, a musical project by nikitas kissonas, evership, the section, thieves' kitchen, delusion squared, lyrian, the far meadow, dean watson, jonas lindberg & the other side, alco frisbass, la coscienza di zeno, caravela escarlate, doracor, mad crayon, mad fellaz, cirrus bay, abarax, monarch trail, ad maiora, fractal mirror, mindspeak, professor tip top, kant freud kafka, dustman dilemma, drifting sun, the night watch, progshine records, egoband, methexis, groovector, the psychedelic ensemble, kotebel, legacy pilots, John Holden, jordsjø, materialeyes, fren,