tapani+rinne — similar artists: deniz cuylan, julian zyklus, lucia adam, undisclosed, Hush Hush Records, Karlheinz Essl, kathy freston's transformational meditation, thomas feiner, still harbours, the golden palominos, fyfe dangerfield, circle of pines, Ambientologist, nick sheppard, clay beds, juha mäki-patola, two against one, secret school, [ns-r 26] josé manuel berenguer - trenes alla fuga, single ep, colectivo abaetetuba, dj yama, mathew ostrowski, ulf jansson, mad world music, matthew ostrowski, martin mallaun, out of blue, tukico :: julian zyklus, tapes and topographies, coliguacho, holy rollers - john dikeman, rory brown, slow year, alex smalley, the hardy tree, lärm und harmonie, clara saleiro and tiago morais morgado, aidan baker i gareth davis, graham haynes, neotantra, dj dorrit, yuya ota, vvv x holly, ginger baker band, radioaxiom, somniacs, transmutation - derek bailey bill laswell jack dejohnette with dj disk, method of defiance - column 6, big spider's back, beric., stephano, steff3beatz, dj stephan van steph, interconnected, sharon gannon, marigold sun,