swarmcatcher — similar artists: boru, dead end thoughts, ire wolves, directional, coltsblood, yuxa, flood peak, of spire & throne, nomadic rituals, eyrth, desperation eclipse, crud (fl), msrblflr, mang ont, gnasch, sea of bones, slave hands, gorthon, quallus, death carrier, the craton, throneless, throth, weltesser, vandrer, mountain wizard death cult, deep tomb, cestode, earthson, aztakea, owlcrusher, radien, 0-nun, départe, magnatar, cave sermon, kawthra, waft, urnscent, mireplaner, catapult the sun, weed priest, demonic possessor, void of light, burial pit, bosphorus, bezdech, lesser glow, call of pripyat, wells valley, nirrti, head in hand, swampworm, farer, anguine, peine kapital, barús,