swallowed — similar artists: vorum, ritual necromancy, teitanblood, irkallian oracle, kever, infernal coil, venenum, vasaeleth, warp chamber, necros christos, inverloch, chthe'ilist, swallowed, oreamnos, sempiternal dusk, funereal presence, impetuous ritual, reverence to paroxysm, grave upheaval, invincible force, degial, derketa, rottrevore, truppensturm, rattenfänger, rites of thy degringolade, mephitic corpse, the ominous circle, grave ascension, malthusian, apraxic, howls of ebb, cavurn, decaying crypt, church of disgust, mylingar, abysmalist, Cystic, décryptal, pissgrave, exsul, dire omen, anhedonist, krypts, phobocosm, void terror, adramelech, morbus chron, exaugurate, antediluvian, evoken, antiversum, purtenance, vastum/spectral voice, hoverkraft, regurgitated guts, concrete winds,