sven+mor — similar artists: the lichenographer, woods of sith cala, outland hill, autumn coppice, romantyth, willow tea, mr. hare, hyver, dusklight, etrange, thalmar, sapaudia, athshean, qonqi, mylingar, gnyrran, fern treader, draconic regicide, boughs enshrouded, sylvan specter, gargoylium, maudits, the lundi, woodland spells, sven mor, towergeist, runesong, weregnome records, enchanted mail, dregahir, créatures, asdariels tale, noir donjon, captain's lair, tyrant of gorgon, celestial veil, waywarden, earthen shield, deathpile, maiden hair of england, werna wolf, high mage x kletttermax, firnglow, void ooze, comfy wizard, lace shawl, forgotten lore, abysmal specter presents! wampyric vampir, old moth dreams, ~*faerie cross grotto*~, forgotten wind, the 2nd seed, gray friar, sorrows of the moon, hillphma moon, behelit, nokturnuus,