subgenius+foundation — similar artists: subgenius foundation, the men that will not be blamed for nothing, Panthurr, drewtoothpaste / crudbump / cyber vision, cyber vision, bill mallonee/wpa, the bran flakes, the black wizards, oskar terramortis, indra's garden, that 1 guy, dalekium, cate brooks, via ncn, baneblade, felipe arcazas, Dad Feels, fishcenter live, jack dupon, menace ruine, vigilantes of love, bill mallonee, stupid morning bullshit, crystal beth, ellis piper ✦, jourdann, daysormay, cayt w, madame deficit, muriah rose, the resonance association, antbrain, monochrome sweatsuit, takamaru gaiden, the high desert freaks, the fibonaccis, certain trips, bill mallonee/victory garden, señor coconut, k'luv aka the go, bombamonbeats, krobak, pk opal, peter miles, mad scientist dorn, hell orbs, nxble bluez, maurice daniel, moms new hobby, nxbullsh!t, the chewers, thebeatmaker, akumasanti, zamir stills, bill mallonee/works progress administration, drew toothpaste, bill mallonee/muriah rose,