spirit+in+the+room — similar artists: spirit in the room, alain johannes trio, MXMS, awooga, david e. williams, mojave lords, ecstatic vision, lionface, strange unit, Infinitefreefall, rickshaw billie's burger patrol, closed circuits, joe doria's "mctuff", circle of sighs, Emanuel and the Fear, spare parts for broken hearts, Yeah But No, thomas nöla, the impending adorations, poisonous birds, CHESTER LOCKHART, lords of dust, the iceman special, antiking, this place is a zoo, BaseFace, saint didacus, basheskia & edward eq, leo fazio, the authoritarian, TYLER MATTHEW OYER, lone kodiak, halfgrass, gale forces, dm stith, evan weiss, state to state, the downsides, tragic bloody fools, the artist must draw, analog party, hell is a city, the nukeproofs, return to earth, miles hewitt, silver snakes, thomas nöla et son orchestre, reyes†††, veil of thorns, molodoys, frege, amplifier, uncomely, dhover, alice dreamt, ryder houston, choronzon,