solacide — similar artists: svadilfare, lebensnacht, pronostic, inexistenz, sacrificed alliance, varulv, häxkapell, nahtram, foredoomed, gandreid, undrask, eye of the enemy, feradur, decaying days, vesperia, odetosun, dazhbog, tattered soul, night forest, defixiones, arbor ira, shadowdream, xciii, dementia ad vitam, lucis absentia, dispersed ashes, stone healer, under the pledge of secrecy, dissona, Caratucay, ten ton slug, from the sunset, warpstone, endlesshade, wending tide, agael, inthraced, nngnn, kossuth, mortis mutilati, lizard professor, a band of orcs, tantalos, karybdis, sado sathanas, speedbreaker, perpetual night, suotana, vargafrost, astoroth, ovnev, as autumn calls, intruder incorporated, samskarasmetal, astomatous, solitvdo, cold insight,