slowtorch — similar artists: kayleth, jerky dirt, chief of smoke, spacelord, nebula drag, mexicoma, red mesa, godhead lizard, dope default, desert records, great rift, sleeping child, l'uomo nero, morganthus, mountain dust, sahara surfers, disenchanter, goatess, gods & punks, sun of grey, parasol caravan, bentrees, elk witch, the dirty earth, atomonaut, stone cadaver, deep space destructors, outer head, man in the woods, indus valley kings, the ossuary, from the ages, carcaňo, thal, interstellar smoke records, freebase hyperspace, palm desert, redscale, hope hole, desert rider, second grave, whores of tijuana, cult of sorrow, sorcia, inner altar, red desert, deserts of mars, chivo, gral brothers, violence of the sun, fuel eater, spiral grave, volt ritual, seer of the void, dixie goat, high reeper, hypergiant,