slim+wild+boar — similar artists: slim wild boar, his forsaken shadow, digger and the pussycats, reverend glasseye, slackeye slim, that sinking feeling, sons of perdition, beelzebub jones, pinebox serenade, angry zeta & the hillbullys, oldboy of the fens, the scarring party, reverend elvis, jaran hereid, the undead syncopators, phantom of the black hills, dead soldiers, jb nelson, benjamin tod, joel kaiser, uncle sinner, black claw, the mojomatics, sydney city trash, colby acuff, jayke orvis, reverend deadeye, jeremiah crow's insufferable one man show, mountains to dust, sleepy eyes nelson, bound by law, heathen apostles, reverend red, black river brethren, the scally cap brats, the bitterweed draw, the hobo outlaws, frostvang, the devil's own, mightiest of guns, the peculiar pretzelmen, the goodnight loving, sarah vista, carcass brook, goatswamp songs, cash savage, the last drinks, forrest vantuyl, the sad bastard book club, blackgrass gospel, alexander joe winterbone, the pussywarmers and réka, murder murder, dog bite harris, louderdales, wild honey records, lost balloons,