slight+birching — similar artists: adrian teacher, the subs, chris-a-riffic, apollo ghosts, cool tv, gal gracen, megamall, the golden age of wrestling, rooms formerly i make earthquakes, future star, cult babies, pups, jock tears, jay arner, mr. merlot, shitlord fuckerman, devours, role mach, unreliable narrator, movieland, acr (aaron charles read), tommy tone, pale red, slight birching, wild garlic island, shrouded amps, tough age, tectonic plates, the cosmic american band, fine mist, aclu benefit, concrete lions, music waste, house wind, rec centre, leon patriz, little sprout, kamikaze nurse, greg mullen, the black lab, noah britton, freak dream, aunts and uncles, kellarissa, nice apple, milk jr., broken water, tough customer, the drearies, alimony, bedwetters anonymous, karaocake, bananahaus, beuatiufl, k. gut, dj downfall, huge face,