slave+agent — similar artists: slave agent, exalter, toxic carnage, skullview, morbid cross, riffobia, world decay, runelord, warning sign, mental slavery, sarcator, project pain, starborn, manacle, farsoth, sintage, daeth daemon, refore, necrokinesis, aggressive perfector, zatyr, vasaeleth, chemicide, halluxvalgus, the scourge, unembalmed, comaniac, vórtize, stygian ruin, the bleeding, cosmic atrophy, skullovich, venenum, sainte marie des loups, tomb of annihilation, convulsis, untimely demise, hazzerd, runeshard, expain, Grozov, deathstorm, prayers of sanity, wraith/black knife/graveripper/unholy night, chainsword, silver knife, defiatory, warsenal, rocka rollas, enemynside, sorcerer's sword, forced neglect, devastruction, space chaser, vanha, spectral souls, black lion records,