skullsceptre — similar artists: skullsceptre, mutagenic host, disengagement, decaying crypt, black wound, repulsive mass, vaticinal rites, kaspyx, exsul, visions from beyond, gorgon vomit, můra, frozen blood, perihelion gnosis, severed boy, décryptal, iron tomb, regurgitated guts, penny coffin, impetuous burial, mädätys, cryptic dissolution, congealed putrescence, vile command, paranoia apparition, unembalmed, abysmalist, cadaveric cult, encoffinate, zous, liquid shit, sewer fiend, weeping slime, spiritual embodiment, Cystic, miserable creature, shapeless being, crypt rot, perishing, rancid cadaver, oreamnos, gurgling gore, blind monarch, sigils of ruin, profane ruination, coltsblood, immersed in pain, andvaka, coffin breath, nightfucker, body asphyxiation science, cestode, cadaveribus, slimelord, gnasch, seed of the sorcerer, womb of the witch, total isolation,