bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

skill+issue — similar artists: kinetic orbital strike, kromosom, the lousy, violent christians, kriegshög, nocturnal scum, anguished life, invertebrates, primitive fucking ballers, jj and the a's, personal damage, kazmer, disapprove, rashōmon, inflicter, horrendous 3d, necro heads, d-sagawa, bad anxiety, hellish view, scalple, skill issue, crucified class, stunted youth, chain rank, confuse, vivisected numbskulls, saufknast, insane urge, trench broom, extinguish, kontaminate, speed plans, chaotic dischord, hounds of war, blood ties, freon, genogeist, machine gun, arrêt, löckheed, barren soil, larma, exxxon, suck lords, deformed existence x visions of chaos, necron 9, nervegas, little angels, cold decay, in-valid, z-pak, warkrusher, ztuped, mock execution, dishönor, sycophant,