sivyj+yar — similar artists: the ember, the howling void - nyss, light field reverie, escumergamĂ«nt, angela martyr, grim funeral, vastatum, cemetery of scream, anachitis, apokryphon, noirceur, ferum, tiwanaku, bosco sacro, vástĂgr, recitations, depths above, funeral oration, neige, barren canyon, nahar, manetheren, the ash, leipa, avant garde music, ole petter sørum, enisum, virvel av morkerhatet, fifth to infinity, vulturium memoriae, oceansnow, høstsol, vampyroteuthis infernalis, sur austru, ikarie, dystopia nĂĄ!, selvans, circle of salt, astral path, asofy, vindkast, argenthorns, NKVD, olio tähtien takana, remah, alien syndrome 777, drought, a pale december, akouphenom, shining - monumentum, vrajitor's tenebrarium, grá, eard, inherits the void, progenie terrestre pura, azelisassath, wolvencrown,