sinatra — similar artists: sinatra, magma waves, spurn, a film in color, gata cattana, king apathy, throwers, xbishopx, spook the horses, häxenzijrkell, world eaters, super unison, Zeugen der Leere, gråt strigoi, maiden hair of england, contwig, staghorn, winds of neptune, sarabante, $10.99, snagg, antimob, those poor bastards, miss the stars, mixrace, shit life, kyrest, department of education, nihilistischer wahn, black decades, seeds in barren fields, black yukon sucker punch, lesser glow, stimulant, locomotora, kampfeswut, repellent, afterlife kids, mirror queen, endzweck, rhythmic ceremonial ritual, ast, the old wind, glories, conspiracy of denial, monovine, insistent, feed me to the waves, all you've seen, flowersxofxcarnage, maskros - kaji - astrid - this too will pass - a city sorrow built, fourteen nights at sea, all we expected, degree of arc, off the hook, skilfingar, augure,