shrapnel+storm — similar artists: temple of dread, shrapnel storm, creeping flesh, machinations of fate, crypts of despair, gods forsaken, supreme carnage, testimony records, vadiat, static abyss, abythic, deathcollectoruk, kill division, predatoria, Caratucay, fleshworks, defy the curse, megascavenger, project pain, warlord uk, GRISLY, Obscenity, death kommander, necrom, aposento, house by the cemetary, overtorture, necrokinesis, church of the dead, amorphia, bleedskin, spiritual holocaust, dead talks, nightbearer, to descend, pale king, ruttenskalle, sacrificial slaughter, horrisonous, shards of humanity, demonbreed, purtenance, bastard grave, rebaelliun, shed the skin, eteritus, chamber of torture, nihïlanth, vomit ritual, tumulation, the bleeding, soulskinner, decrapted, blasphemathory, exalter, commander - death metal munich, legacy of brutality,