shiva+music — similar artists: Willz, caixedia camista, antakaran, compiled by uga-booga, lynette sandholm evvers, the ocular audio experiment, the red plastic buddha, six finger satellite, electric looking glass, walter ghoul's lavender brigade, absolut shit records, eva kierten, compiled by black phillip, acoxaca, gandharva project, music of yoga, tabura, and the old self, the old cultures, an ode to old traditions, dhyana, scratch acid, ulterior motive records, compiled by tangular, the penitential station, prosad, elizabeth cottern, atlanta, aμq, mexican armada, sacred grooves, depuratus, compiled by disconnect, Metacortex Records, bcuc, häxor, hyoma, tepe gawra, trimurti, zenovoid records, Sacred Sound, znataraja, the dog of tears, penurna, mantras for baba, prosad freeman, barry uhl, uyak, taburá, compiled by outlaw, the orange drop, svara, sentient number six, Xibalba Records, paraponera, egon's embrace - sangoma records, the striped bananas,