serpent+ascending — similar artists: serpent ascending, kever, vorum, invincible force, kaeck, desecresy, horrisonous, abysmalist, mefitis, deathsiege, condemner, concilivm, purtenance, slutvomit, sammath, skythala, khthoniik cerviiks, adramelech, tarnkappe, inhumankind, cóndor, necromaniac, polemicist, ensnared, necrophiliac, howls of ebb, denouncement pyre, blood ouroboros, at the altar of the horned god, blood urn, god's bastard, putrisect, ornæmental shine, rotheads, putrevore, sabbatory, onkos, katavasia, morbid cruelty, ectovoid, the wakedead gathering, shezmu, third storm, chaos inception, antiversum, nar mattaru, venenum, yaaroth, vasaeleth, degial, regurgitated guts, merihem, blizaro, necrosanct, rottrevore, rites of thy degringolade, Cystic,