bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

seducer's embrace — similar artists: Caratucay, dream void, brought by pain, the odious construct, perpetual night, unflesh, temple of dread, december flower, eartheria, zac leaser, fractalline, proliferation, aetheric, hiraes, noumena, kossuth, where deprivation lies, solus ex inferis, geoda, samskarasmetal, spheron, euphoreon, dawn of dementia, burial vault, Obscenity, virial, ontborg, archaic decapitator, endless affliction, nightbearer, undrask, undisclosed dimensions, machinations of fate, moonshade, dawn of disease, hatalom, illogicist, seducer's embrace, last sacrament, myridian, wastewalker, seraph in travail, mordant rapture, unsacred seed, vitrified entity, virvum, dark matter secret, cognizance, forlorn world, farsoth, cult of lilith, black lion records, ghosts of atlantis, symbolik, hollow world, lever of archimedes, pronostic,