sari+schorr — similar artists: rick miller, verbal delirium, hoggwash, John Holden, la bocca della verità , legacy pilots, monarch trail, the far meadow, phoenix again, the dave foster band, l'albero del veleno, the bardic depths, moon halo, parallel or 90 degrees, drifting sun, submarine silence, evership, swan chorus, stuckfish, cosmograf, materialeyes, thieves' kitchen, gandalf's fist, karfagen, moon safari, antony kalugin, hats off gentlemen it's adequate, fractal mirror, mike stobbie, quel che disse il tuono, cirrus bay, not a good sign, returned to the earth, robin trower, hasse fröberg, musical companion, the prog collective, SUNCHILD, ben craven, stewart clark, Syd Arthur, cellar noise, arlekin, red bazar, the adekaem, progshine records, mindspeak, introitus, seventh dimension, a musical project by nikitas kissonas, delusion squared, professor tip top, spleen arcana, farmhouse odyssey, marc atkinson, runelord, david longdon,