sarcoughagus — similar artists: abysmalist, immersed in pain, unembalmed, décryptal, writhing shadows, wombcage, infestment, decaying crypt, regurgitated guts, zous, exaugurate, perihelion gnosis, shapeless being, impetuous burial, exsul, gurgling gore, pukewraith, Cystic, carnal ruin, paingiver, vrenth, church of disgust, oxalate, cryptual, congealed putrescence, path to war, wretched inferno, graverape, mutilation barbecue, kommand, phthisis, grotesqueries, blood spore, mephitic corpse, needlepusher, disembodiment, sarcoughagus, severed boy, gutvoid, wharflurch, grave titan, reeking, rotted, paranoia apparition, enwretch, grave ascension, unurnment, gored embrace, foul decay, mourned, necrectomy, noxis/cavern womb, permanent disfigurement, apraxic, disembowel, hormagaunt, pestilent death,