bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

sangre+impura — similar artists: demonarchy, walpurgia, crurifragium, trench warfare, misanthropic war, goathex, thy feeble saviour, black blood invocation, dominum inferum, human agony, barbaric horde, encirclement, vestal cuntvomit, liturgy of desecration, kommando baphomet, thromvosis, nexul, spellblood, complot!, abysmal lord, blood chalice, vengeance hammer, supremative, vile command, sewerhermit, putrid temple, morgue walker, prehistoric war cult, methgoat, clunaculum, baphomancia, wrath division, gotthammer, necroblood, ritual laceration, infernal sacrament, beastgod, profane desecration, genocide shrines, bestial warlust, nexwomb, hellfire deathcult, svavelvinter, goatvermin, blasphamagoatachrist, conduit of chaos, rites of thy degringolade, chaos cascade/kapala, malgöth, slutvomit, paramilitant, venefices, bestial warfare, ululatum tollunt, deathsiege, goat corpse, btc compilation lll,