sadko — similar artists: sadko, archean nights, erancnoir, hiemal, aphotic apathy, argonath, the night keep, araphel, melanohelios, consider suicide, anilah, enscelados, veiled monk, wyvernsnout, Sharped Records, aram 17, the loreseeker, silent cabin, out of hell, african imperial wizard, deepdark, sombre arcane, inlustris, shores of tongass, VARDAN, rog, grîmmöld, infinite isolation, archean nights/hiemal, A$KER, vetraheimr, astrahentium, grande abisso, ruumisto, numbness, moloch conspiracy, ols, garadrak, cerdes, zalys, iok1, torus dome, abandoned asylum, dreamprowler, shamsiel, tertium organum, death on cassette, bitter old wizard, sacra fern, noctilucant, hysteresis loop, ghédalia tazartès, noctivagant, cursebitten, omensworn, kashmar, medhelan,