sacrilege — similar artists: alcool, derketa, vorum, armagedom, necros christos, rottrevore, burial temple, açoite, devastação sob terror, abyssal forest, ossuario, sintage, cauterization, queiron, deathslaüghter, requiem's sathana, heretic execution, infected cells, burn the mankind, after the bombs, extermínio, occultist, movarbru, ravensire, exterminate, cianeto discos, arch / matheos, midnight spell, starborn, nocturnal scum, the lousy, harpago, ultra raptor, warkrusher, the skeletal, males fecundos, tohc83, vexovoid, cianeto, zemial, night viper, degial, Sacrilege, monstrous, ahna, escarnium, road warrior, psychotic waltz, solicitor, deviated instinct, corporate death, bewitchment, détente,, terminal filth, tribe of pazuzu, youth brigade, adramelech,