ruins+of+the+past — similar artists: twilight's embrace, myridian, the crawling, renascent, opium doom cult, ruins of the past, fiur, antestor, façade, sun of the dying, crowned in sorrow, sorrowstorm, echoes of decay, suotana, trébuchet sdg, enter the soil, fragments of lost memories, voidhaven, withered land, frozen dreams, blood thirsty, lux incerta, foredoomed, drottnar, melech, decaying days, sinistral king, ad cinerem, urnscent, sacrificium, skald in veum, crimson moonlight, the slave eye, towards atlantis lights, arvinger, lying figures, spätregen, the bloody earth, shattered hope, apostisy, righteous wrath, marble tomb, asphodelus, nadarkhani, i, forlorn, søker tilflukt, the fateful hour, morgarten, profetus, vacant eyes, black trillium, dalit, implacable, shrines of dying light, sabbatariam, ashes of life, triuwint,