rocket+start — similar artists: ian cowell, gamegrooves, ro panuganti, gamelark, lacey johnson, firaga, discocactus, the game brass, bi score, game raga, sindravania projects, lame genie, mahn, pokérus project, virtual video game orchestra, hyper potions, rocket start, the tiberian sons, Tiny Waves, bleeplove, scarlet moon records, chiptunes4autism, gamegrooves charity, rubrk, Laffe the Fox, oishii, ethereal string orchestra, reboot me, super madnes, the runaway four, allison martin, robot orgy massacre, viking guitar live, Tenkitsune, videri string quartet, wasd, nokbient, phonetic hero, familyjules, marshall art, orcamind, buoy afuru, chronowolf, debisco, epic game music, bad corey, daymanoursavior, ronin op f, rex viper, multiplayer charity, do a barrel roll!, videogame orchestra, chipmusic heroes, evolutionize, next reflection, i set my pixels on fire, alexogre,