ricky+brugal β similar artists: nmlstyl, bit crushed, Cyanide Dansen, warez waldo, nullsleep, hexadeci, chiptunes4autism, business pastel, chrome cobra, MONODEER, boaconstructor, black lines, din sky, storm blooper, stagediver, doomcloud, dispyz, chipocrite, dinaari, L-tron, chip t4t, for astronauts and satellites, Game Genie Sokolov, chiptune cares, paris treantafeles, guΓ©rin, tsc, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, oxygenstar, din sky, ultrasyd, dboyd, bleeplove, Tobokegao, ap0c, corset lore, brick brker, dauragon, glenntai, DEFENSE MECHANISM, cheap dinosaurs, bryface, donutshoes, πΌπΊππ sylcmyk πΉππΈπ, ccdm, little-scale, zaku!, pouale, unicorn dream attack, Laffe the Fox, starpause, amateurlsdj, saskrotch, nnnnnnnnnn, my two robodads, trey frey, hexosphere, dogsplusplus,