quiet+earth — similar artists: allsups, digital hotdogs, sawa meron, eric mccoy, endless sewer, trashdog, leche, zurich by the japanese, decider, these arms are snakes, morgo, mangrave, ghettomancer, downtown dad, kidcrash, dghd workstation plus, t.e.shandy, Jinjer, irk | wren, stuckfish, x suns, long earth, the nietzsche, skryptor, worthless animals, betty goop, the jesus lizard, kyle carpenter, chromagnus, riot punch, doodseskader, cutty's gym, tank girl, the deadbeat club, tongue party/usa nails, hangover paradise, grovel, the vss, pinebender, digression assassins, new strangers, uncle jesus, trunk, spaztik munkey, raine mara, climax, luvweb, cloudeater, graphic nature, bread pitt, headcave, shame cave, the reeks!, EXE, dodenbezweerder, borzoi, bad dad,