pulverized — similar artists: voracity, impulsive gluttony, endless affliction, crud, the black sorcery, mother morgue, hellcraft, interminable corruptions, deadborn, carnal abhorrence, decimated humans, slaveone, coprobaptized cunthunter, burn the mankind, Egregious, Caratucay, exalter, abhorrent aggression, kever, overtorture, alcool, Obscenity, abyssal ascendant, slaves of suffering, cauterization, profane desecration, darkrypt, orgiastic rebirth, vermingod, gurglectomy, corpseflesh, total despair, decomposition of humanity, cranial contamination, ashen light, embodiment of suffering, heavy lies the crown, aizwal, psionic madness, your end, drain of impurity, invincible force, sentenced to dissection, graven maul, byonoisegenerator, spheron, necrosanct, solus ex inferis, burial vault, lethality, embedded, pestilectomy, epileptic shit, eteritus, mendacium, abominism, obturate,