psychic+ills — similar artists: brad caulkins, greg coates, tom dolas, psychic ills, curved entrances, centralstödet, the auras, our solar system, John Dwyer, cult of dom keller, foam giant, the oh sees, white fence, sundays&cybele, ty segall & white fence, white canyon & the 5th dimension, beyond beyond is beyond records, frankie teardrop dead, meatbodies, damaged bug, black lizard, the brain hotel, christian bland and the revelators, capra informis, ocs, The Kundalini Genie, mt. mountain, -Nick Murray-, mr. elevator, moundabout, Moon Duo, the ufo club, peter kerlin, alien mustangs, mmoss, marcos rodriguez, kyp malone, lightning bolt, flavor crystals, andres renteria, New Candys, the peacers, the space spectrum, frankie and the witch fingers, sisters of your sunshine vapor, bent arcana, domboshawa, the grease arrestor, holy monitor, black pus, Thee Oh Sees, psyche delta productions, rancho relaxo, Ty Segall, las cobras, Mexican Summer, Rodriguez,