profi+sound — similar artists: zyryab, helldegård, miss gore, kay mascara, where birds go to die, fishne, PUBLIC SEX REGIME, hd gang, nem funk, youth group indoctrination, prime seduction, sacrefye, powda pacxt, death mirror, euronymouciraptor, are you loyal, lil pazuzu, the moral code, kalathos, hellldegård, pincha, opus occvltiis, shamanic rituals, black pyramid, profi sound, deathbed tapes, bad dog, entrp, quinta sence, enslaver ov deamon, cursedwheel, blod og minne, impvlsiv, limited abilities, pulse detonations, emaztegaiak, organfarm, something vile, 奇妙な儀式, heavy whores, KING COBRA, vū+prvntk, unknown hierarchy, blood moth, remotely exploded child, lunus, filthy fuck, flesh signal, unknown assailant, necrophonix, zebes, conditioned, bone pit, ovmn, llimbs, heavenly wounds, PRVNTK,