precursor — similar artists: dead hearts, state of mind recordings, krakdown, instilled, everything after, t.a.e.a., sea of thousand, with resistance, 20inch burial, legs up, blind oracle, black castle, a day in black, labyrinthe, rust belt lights, by the grace of god, youngblood records, nightmares for a week/banquets, fired up, accursed kingdom, sacred love, disrupting the abacus, the color, blue snaggletooth, the hopewell furnace, the bridal procession, daytrader, one more victim, a trust unclean, static radio nj, over stars, gutters, black numbers, titans fall harder, the storm picturesque, invert the idols, heartsounds, altered perceptions, today, eyes wired shut, nexilva, a night at the chalet, lifes halt, twin rivals, grey area/the reveling/the copyrights/luther, point below zero, man made god, such a mess, dethrone the deceiver, discrepancy, elder abuse, my war, to obey a tyrant, banquets, clarity calls forth, soldiers, higher giant,