pool+boys — similar artists: control freaks, roselit bone, strange passage, telephone lovers, death parade, all girl summer fun band, hillstomp, rowland s. howard, pdx pop now!, ghali, logar-decay, kelli schaefer, three for silver, genders, laura hopkins, dress forms, wl, laura palmer's death parade, máscaras, lunch ladies, richard rose, cleanser, healing gems, The Black Doors, spooky boys, terrehaunt, brown recluse, pool boys, boone howard, hell nancy, night heron, triple lutz, black shelton, the poodlez, mr. vale's math class, cat hoch, the meka leka hi's, la corde, launderette, the sandcherries, johnny franco, apartment fox, resurrection records, the shrills, th' losin streaks, kohl, nick delffs, kulululu, dyslexics the, 4vesta, aj dávila, battery point, isaac rother, field school, old wave, we.the pigs, sunbathe,