polymorphia — similar artists: tabura, absolut shit records, compiled by black phillip, ulterior motive records, the old cultures, an ode to old traditions, and the old self, Sacred Sound, compiled by tangular, gandharva project, v/a compiled by agz, mexican armada, Metacortex Records, sacred grooves, antakaran, zenovoid records, caixedia camista, compiled by outlaw, audiosyntax, paraponera, svara, depuratus, compiled by shanta, various artists compiled by phase1, hyoma, aμq, compiled by disconnect, various artists compiled by melange, taburá, daryion, compiled by uga-booga, uyak, audiokidnapping vs der sandmann, compiled by insolente, STZ-Records, (compiled by espíritus, drknyte records, Breaking Noise, oyaji, Asterseed Records, v/a | believe lab, ferratek, markuz, Supernova Music, archit, Reversible Records, ritualien, mentaloop, wako-maniacs, trimurti, the horrids, rafyx, hoavaxsh, compiled by oxomo, alokik shakti, thelios, penurna,