plastic+ep — similar artists: plastic ep, the records, garbage disposal union, phil & the tiles, legless records, brick head, ill globo, big supermarket, true sons of thunder, traffic island sound, blank statements, mikey young, collective hardcore, disco junk, smarts, set-top box, pious faults, wireheads, alien nosejob, insane urge, hash redactor, xerox music, slugfuckers, the suburban homes, the neuros, anti fade records, r. clown, dotx3, lost balloons, c57bl/6, belly jelly, the beta blockers, blowdryer, glen schenau, jackson reid briggs & the heaters, come on, violent change, jackson reid briggs, todd killings, the contracts, gee tee vee, ausmuteants, conditioner disco group, liam kenny, research reactor corp., alex macfarlane, mr. teenage, revv, cleanheads, itchy self, it thing, display homes, research reactor corporation, the scums, ingrates, xux, sylvie s,