piramid+scheme — similar artists: matt christensen, kenn thomas, Jaime RodrĂguez, mock identity, the new trio, NoĂ«l AkchotĂ©, piramid scheme, julie wintrebert, lisa said, lalĂ©n rĂos luna, porous collective, caeiro, kurt prisbe, joshua shapero, jrm quartet, mystery tapes etc., creative arts trio, the chicago repetition group, guillaume de machaut, alexander agricola,, christensen, claudin de sermisy, carlo gesualdo,, drone not drones, bill callahan & bonnie "prince" billy, a.p.mike, des demonas, brian harding, jess elsener, jacques veillĂ©, claude lejeune, cristĂłbal de morales, the recyclers, christophe albertijn, mikrokolektyw, time is fire, thierry madiot, black lives f*cking matter, a benefit compilation, maria t, insect factory, orange capsule, the palace of auburn hills, von lmo, virginia creep, theme weavers llc, ben chlapek, the 4th way, dick laurent is dead, bass; jaime rodrĂguez, albert wildeman, jl gm jrm trio, fin des tous les mythes solaires, giorgio mobili, sophokles, dukha ensemble, pc 39, kawol,