pillars+of+autumn+x+beguiler — similar artists: the hopewell furnace, to obey a tyrant, cannibal grandpa, crown magnetar, acranius, man made god, a wake in providence, depths of hatred, abnormity, one more victim, bonecarver, stillbirth, signs of omnicide, internal organs external, gutrectomy, blind oracle, sensory amusia, the overmind, a night in the abyss, covidectomy, begging for incest, decimated humans, a trust unclean, assemble the chariots, boris the blade, bound in fear, disnormality, i, valiance, incestuous impregnation, bind the sacrifice, timeless wounds, organectomy, carrion vael, maggot colony, altered perceptions, fleshburner, interminable corruptions, pestilectomy, necroticgorebeast, dream void, sold soul, cranial bifurcation, aeons of corruption, Disfiguring The Goddess, eye of ascendancy, human vivisection, iconic vivisect, shattered horizons, hammer of dawn, a legacy unwritten, the breathing process, before the harvest, the dark alamorte, xenobiotic, i, detest, monasteries, rendered helpless,