peter+walker — similar artists: starbirthed, john hulburt, ash brooks, harry taussig, flower room, will beeley, ml wah, tonal cosmology, kinloch nelson, larry conklin, jochen blum, suni mcgrath, william c. beeley, rick deitrick, max ochs, terry waldo, matt lajoie, smoke dawson, don bikoff, tompkins square, philip lewin, herbcraft, daniel mandrychenko, curious margie, harmony rockets with special guest peter walker, witches broom, cursillistas, bern nix, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, matt "mv" valentine, roscoe holcomb, thick air, john lee shannon, mason lindahl, sonny clark trio, teodross avery, just exactly perfect sisters band, richard crandell, gwenifer raymond, russell potter, endless caverns, tom armstrong, H E R B, lajoie, michael chapman, dwlvs, james elkington and nathan salsburg, josh kimbrough, entourage, dire wolves just exactly perfect sisters band, centralstödet, jay bolotin, the heavy lidders, island house recordings, east of the valley blues, vince matthews, jim casey,