bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

pestigor — similar artists: pestigor, vivisected numbskulls, hounds of war, kinetic orbital strike, genogeist, the lousy, axxe crazy, horrendous 3d, barren soil, warkrusher, kohti tuhoa, savage pleasure, deviated instinct, kazmer, war ripper, anguished life, scalple, nagasaki sunrise, terminal filth, araña, neverending mind war, destripados, death gasp, cotärd, invertebrates, sore throat, death evocation, kontatto, misanthropic minds, kontaminate, the war goes on, twisted thing, blood ties, régimen de terror, d-sagawa, violent spirit, lebenden toten, mere mortal, mock execution, 100% blood, deliriant nerve, quayde lahüe, regimen de terror, terminal conquest, crucified class, personal damage, necro heads, flower city, blazing eye, under attack, abism, sycophant, kriegshög, kläpträp, insane urge, gabestok, violent christians,