partition — similar artists: partition, eleganza!, aby wolf, alpha consumer, the 4onthefloor, heart bones, forged artifacts, gramma's boyfriend, fury things, jeremy ylvisaker, double grave, sebadoh, gully boys, evv, Flo(p), nightosaur, maggie rogers, champagne confetti, royal brat, the caterwaul society, Graveyard Club, preston school of industry, WhyNot, swimsuit area, teardrop city, the great dying, krista shows, the great went, ahem, humbird, catbath, vial, bug fix, scrunchies, dial back sound, lazear, niiice., heavy deeds, the snarlin' yarns, ear coffee, uparoundthesuntimkerrjerryhagins, floodwater angel, allergen, icehouse mpls, brace cove records, Oftener, williamson brothers, baumgardner, birthday suits, with iowa in between, miloe, jeremy warden, the harness, Sass, hans condor, butthole, ca$ual,