our+survival+depends+on+us — similar artists: our survival depends on us, kwade droes, horns of domination, gospelheim, st. michael front, haxandraok, niht, laere, sainte marie des loups, owls woods graves, manii, brånd, tempel wolf, +1476+, lord vigo, farsot, sun of the sleepless, vinsta, nagelfar, kringa, old mother hell, whoredom rife emissary, impavida, the deathtrip, lindy-fay hella, dautha, thronehammer official, cavernous gate, psychotic waltz, hexenbrett, whoredom rife, hadopelagyal, wederganger, degial, glare of the sun, boarhammer, lotus thief, Path Of Samsara, fyrnask, dauþuz, secrets of the moon, fire + ice, temple of abandonment, friisk, usurpator, fortíð, caronte, enevelde, sumerian tombs, Tav, symbol & the sound, imindain, kinit her, arð, Deine Lakaien, vàli, wreathes,