other+half — similar artists: yr poetry, yr friends, all away lou, cosmit, Counter Intuitive Records, The St Pierre Snake Invasion, alarm bells, eerie gaits, skatune network, other half, james and the cold gun, natterers, strangelight, death index, rites of spring, supermilk, soot sprite, hot snakes, The Blood Brothers, nervus, new brutalism, Cultdreams, anorak patch, weird nightmare, aversions, toodles & the hectic pity, these arms are snakes, gender roles, false advertising, me rex, freezing cold, saturdays at your place, specialist subject records, heave blood & die, jamie lenman, shit present, Don't Worry, spielbergs, summerman, choncy, cluttered, camp trash, live, do nothing, johnny foreigner, dogeyed, woahnows, sugar horse, Sunshine Frisbee Laserbeam, bangers, labor hex, tiny engines, the mysterious visions, cheap surgery, manhandle, kulk, charmpit, quaker wedding,