order+from+chaos — similar artists: order from chaos, blasphamagoatachrist, crurifragium, dominum inferum, demonarchy, nexul, genocide shrines, abysmal lord, geist of ouachita, walpurgia, death worship, blood chalice, caveman cult, spellblood, spectral corruption, proclamation, slutvomit, complot!, human agony, witches hammer, black blood invocation, reverence to paroxysm, goatpenis, necroblood, gotthammer, black witchery, armnatt, degredo, occelensbrigg, thy sepulchral moon, misanthropic war, scum liquor, viridescent funeral, sulfurous presence, shrouded infinity, weregoat, wolfswut, ordo cultum serpentis, vestal cuntvomit, vizir, ocerco, vorgfang, morpheus descends, infernal sacrament, paramilitant, wampirvs sinistrvs, minnesjord, liturgy of desecration, ordem satânica, wargoat, stress angel, true iron will, as the shadows envelop me, teufelsberg, truppensturm, Signal Rex, eternal tomb,