one+step+closer — similar artists: inclination, one step closer, method of doubt, xweaponx, world of pleasure, law of power, excide, never ending game, ecostrike, ekulu, berthold city, trail of lies, gridiron, discrepancy, rule them all, magnitude, Balance and Composure, restraining order, mindforce, trapped under ice, foreign hands, rain of salvation, pain of truth, jivebomb, bracewar, muskets, sacred love, fleshwater, section h8, Notolerance, askysoblack, soul blind, fired up, aficionado, Knocked Loose, Glitterer, broken vow, flatspot records, time and pressure, walter schreifels, dominant force, daisyhead, antagonize, death of a nation,, youngblood records, drug church, three knee deep, rescuer, battle lines, monument to thieves, lilac queen, seed of pain, bent blue, militarie gun, angel du$t, no better,