oferwintran — similar artists: glaramara, nefarious dusk, wulfhere productions, skiddaw, torver, atra mors | k'vor, whinlatter, ealdor-bana, helvellyn, oferwintran, lord frimost, negative or nothing, thy dying light, vöid, gnipahålan, deheubarth, atra mors, bicephalic, teutoburg forest, azelisassath, arcanum mortifer, armnatt, glemt | vampirksa, morte lune, mort | margaret read | incoherent | infernal goat cult, digerdöden, summum, rienaus, united kingdom black metal, demonomantic, xuthal, forvitnast, asbjorn daemonium de noctis, blasfeme, zakaz, balwezo westijiz, urkaos, iniquitatem, thy sepulchral moon, bekëth nexëhmü, occelensbrigg, funeral winds, cryptic evil, megalith grave, musmahhu, infernal goat cult, flesh of tituba, scum liquor, sarastus, ars hmu, warmoon lord, trolldom, spider god | revenant marquis | the oracle | the sun's journey through the night, nocturnal departure, blutumhang, degredo, andracca,