oceans+ate+alaska — similar artists: brand of sacrifice, make them suffer, every hour kills, Currents, invent animate, Oceans Ate Alaska, vitalism, holding absence, anup sastry, Bleeding Skies, the amity affliction, shadow of intent, i, valiance, alpha wolf, dmitry demyanenko, hollow front, kingdom of giants, thessa, we came as romans, the dali thundering concept, paledusk, cartoon theory, lunarite, andromida, wage war, reg3n, future palace, currrents, Knocked Loose, mycelia, aviana, landmvrks, August Burns Red, left to suffer, unsolicited, misery signals, time, the valuator, modern day babylon, no oath, scale the summit, Check the Distortion, fractalize, olympus lenticular, dennis martensson, shokran, like moths to flames, divine realm, volumes, of mice, stoort neer, wide eyes, TheirDogsWereAstronauts, miroist, within the ruins, anup l. sastry, resolve, convictions,