obsidyen — similar artists: zwiespalt, zakaz, obsidyen, aldaaron, sarvekas, pillars of crucifixion, blodtår, jordfäst, boru, msrblflr, tempel wolf, voidescent, anguana, 0-nun, salqiu, lvme, wallfahrer, fell ruin, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, nyrst, somnium nox, black pyre, transcending rites, thermohaline, blurr thrower, bhleg, gaktungar, glemsel, waal, nirrti, lebensabend, petrale, nahasheol, ofnus, Zeugen der Leere, ascend towards the moon, atrate, agasch, kosmovorous, dark east productions, moeror, svart runar, wells valley, hegemon, rituals of the dead hand, hrast, order ov riven cathedrals, itheist, barús, steingrab, benthik zone, godcider, plaagdrager, cult of vampyrism, kaal akuma, panphage, häxkapell,