obert+chari — similar artists: black harvest, samskarasmetal, dawn of dementia, kossuth, ingurgitating_oblivion, unflesh, solus ex inferis, teramobil, apotheon, aeon of horus, POLYPTYCH, gods of eden, proliferation, obsidian mantra, charnel, eartheria, geoda, salqiu, obsydians, khariot, azooma, Caratucay, brought by pain, paroxysm unit, rannoch, zac leaser, fractalline, virial, caecus, endless affliction, turbid north, flourishing, fell ruin, dream void, fragarak, where deprivation lies, undisclosed dimensions, the odious construct, chaos inception, existem, dissentient, lever of archimedes, nero di marte, expain, a novelist, hadal maw, bhavachakra, pronostic, stone healer, cognizance, slaveone, talanas, the overmind, disassembled, lizard professor, xentrix, dark matter secret,