num+skull — similar artists: num skull, vorum, armoured angel, rottrevore, hellbringer, kever, reeking aura, manacle, adramelech, slutvomit, midnight spell, blood feast, degial, skullview, hypnosia, concrete winds, cryptic slaughter, wehrmacht, slough feg, détente,, irkallian oracle, solicitor, iron griffin, vasaeleth, gospel of the horns, goreaphobia, Exumer, angelcorpse, frightmare, necros christos, psychotic waltz, sarcofago, zemial, iron cemetery, the chasm, tiger junkies, violator, mefitis, deeds of flesh, sijjin, children of technology, purtenance, dekapitator, invincible force, polemicist, pan-thy-monium, tales of blood, oath of cruelty, sabbatory, venenum, hail of bullets, ixaxaar nexia, rites of thy degringolade, centurian, rattenfänger, witches hammer, horrisonous,